Friday, March 14, 2014

Life at the End of the Tunnel

The light at the end of the tunnel is your life; it’s the tunnel that’s temporary.
~ Michael Josephson
Often hear there is Light at the end of the Tunnel,  what if that is the end of  life.  A exhausted physical body slowly walking toward the Light believing that path would lead to eternal peace where is no pain, no more sorrow.   Would it be considered optimistic giving up the fight in a miserable life?
 Theory of light at the end of the tunnel provide comfort for terminally ill patients, but not so much for those who aren’t satisfied with their lives?
Life is a Journey to experiment, to cherish moments of ups and downs.  Let’s live!
Photo: Metin Demiralay


  1. Congratulations on your new blog Clare! Yes,I agree. Live live to the fullest. We may never know what lies ahead after we leave this earth.

  2. Thank you. Learning something new everyday, Philo! :-))
